Work with me

It’s an honor that you want to work with me. I love being of service and connecting to others’ genius, potential, and fantastic souls. 

I have worked as a therapist for several years utilizing different techniques and methods in helping people with their health. Every person is unique and has their own energy system. I connect to your self-healing system and activate your inner power. You only need one appointment to activate your self-healing system. Some of us are very fixated on our pattern and energy system and want several appointments. Joining groups and courses will benefit our cognitive energy system as all of us are programmed to think and feel in special ways. If you are sick you need to change your thinking and programming in order to create good health. Good health is available to all of us if we nourish and give ourselves the best surroundings.

If a family member or someone you love is sick, I can connect to their soul consciousness and activate their energy system, even if they are unconscious lying in their hospital bed. Our guides will assist us. 

There are several ways to meet pain and difficulties. I can help you cope with your pain without healing you. Some of us are in the influence of the “dark night of the soul” and “the hero’s journey”. This is a transforming journey to a higher vibration in ourselves. If we are in our own initiation period, healing will not take us out of our experiences and transformation. Patience and faith are aspects of our transformation from caterpillar conscious-level to a butterfly-level with soul consciousness. I can guide you and help you understand your pain when your old identity is collapsing. Participating in the “Hero’s Journey course will benefit you if you are facing a lot of challenges in your life. Hero’s Journey course is only in the Norwegian language.

I have witnessed thousands of miracles in my own and others’ lives, and I know that our life can shift radically from one second to another. Our willingness, openness, and faith help us connecting to our inner self-healing and true power. We are all big creators with amazing inner power. 

“If everything around you seems dark, look again, you may be the light”.


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Tips for wellbeing